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Quick Reference

Installing PixivUtil2 on Alpine Linux

Probably ignore this since the docker container is the better solution... but at the time of writing that container uses python:3.11 as the base, which uses Debian bookworm which makes me unhappy (it is very big).

Version used in this example: 20230105

Install Prerequisites

PixivUtil2 is python so guess what, python is required!

apk add python3

When downloading ugoira ffmpeg is required to create a webm.

apk add ffmpeg

Download PixivUtil2 and Extract

I will leave this up to you.

Setup a python venv (Virtual Environment)

This command will setup a virtual environment called venv:

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment:

. venv/bin/activate

Install the requirements (from requirements.txt)

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Add Cookie to Configuration

Find the cookie from the browser and add it to the config file. Details in readme.md from the distribution.

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