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Quick Reference

irssi Quick Reference

irssi Quick Reference

I quite like irssi, here I have just a few pointers as to how to use it.

Most of this is useless if you know the /help command... try it and ignore my ramblings.

Basic Setup of Names

Set your name and your real name and stuff like that in core (these are the defaults if they are not set on a per-network basis)

/nick nickname
/set nick nickname
/set user_name username
/set hostname hostname.bengreen.eu
/set real_name Real Name

Your hostname will probably not be used by most networks and instead be ignored in favour of your reverse DNS hostname

Adding networks to the configuration

Add a network and a server to that network the network name in this is freenode: (/network alone to list networks)

/network add -nick networkspecificnick -autosendcmd "/^msg nickserv identify password" freenode
/server add -network freenode irc.freenode.org
/server add -network freenode -ssl -6 irc.freenode.org 7500
/server list

Always try and connect using IPv6

By default irssi will use IPv4 lookups, you can override this one of two ways.

# globally
/set resolve_prefer_ipv6 ON
# per server
/server add -6 -network freenode irc.freenode.net

/set resolve_prefer_ipv6 OFF
/server add -4 -network freenode irc.freenode.net

Actually Connecting to the Network

/connect freenode

Connecting to more than one network at a time is quite simple, just enter /connect quakenet when you are already connected to the other network. When you are connected to more than one network you have to be careful when performing network specific operations like joining channels or sending private messages, see "The Current Network" below.

The Current Network

Naturally you can join channels on multiple networks but how do you know which network you are currently interacting with? Irssi indicates this to you in the status window (alt-1) at the bottom:

[15:49] [drcrane(+i)] [1:Freenode (change with ^X)]

As you can see I am currently connected to the Freenode network and if I /join I will be joining a channel on Freenode. This is also a hint on how to change between networks, ^X means press Ctrl-X and irssi will change between the networks. As I am connected to QuakeNet and Freenode if I press Ctrl-X my status bar will look like this:

[15:54] [drcrane(+i)] [1:QuakeNet (change with ^X)]


Joining and leaving... simple:

/join #channelname
/leave I want to have some tea

Close an Inactive Window

/window close

Add a channel to the network... not too sure how useful this is. In this example freenode is the network and #channel is the channel. Yes, I know you knew that

/channel add #channel freenode
/channel add -auto #channel freenode
/channel list

-auto will automatically connect to that channel when you connect to the network

You can save your changes with a simple /save.

Ignoring (hiding) Quits and Joins

They are quite annoying after a while, especially in a reasonablly quiet channel.

/ignore #freenet JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS

Will ignore all joins parts quits and nick changes in the #freenet channel. Alternatively you can do it like this:

/ignore -channels #freenet * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS

This is slightly different but will do the same thing, albeit in different way... this means apply ignore JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS to all nicks (the * is a mask for nick names in this case) but then restrict the application to the channels specified in the list after the -channels argument.

As far as I can understand the first argument is interpreted as a channel if it begins with a # and a nick name otherwise. So you can work out what this does:


Yes, it ignores all JOINS PARTS QUITS and NICKS in all channels for all nicks.

If you want to know this stuff again...


For more details on what you can put instead of JOINS PARTS NICKS QUITS please see Appendix A: Levels. All this is available through the help system:

IGNORE [-regexp | -full] [-pattern <pattern>] [-except] [-replies] 
             [-network <network>] [-channels <channel>] [-time <secs>]
             <mask> [<levels>]
IGNORE [-regexp | -full] [-pattern ] [-except] [-replies] 
             [-network <network>] [-time <secs>] <channels> [<levels>]

Enable Bell on Some Events

Make IRSSI send a \a to the terminal when a user mentions your nickname or starts a private conversation with you.

/set beep_msg_level MSGS HILIGHT

These settings will work by default with mintty (as included with msys2 and git for Windows) but will require some additional setup for putty. Testing the response of putty is easy enough with IRSSI in the intended way or to use your terminal and sleep && echo -e "\a".

Using otr

Private messaging using libotr is now included in irssi and can be activated in a private message session like this:

/load otr
/help otr


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