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Sleeping PinePhone

Sleeping with PinePhone

One curious feature of the PinePhone running Sxmo is that when it goes into Suspend mode it will wake up after a short time and then remain in Lock (Screen Off) mode.

To work around the problem first to find the location of the script that switches the phone into Suspend.

The menu is started by lisgd (the libinput synthetic gesture daemon) which, in turn, is started by tinydm.


tinydm first will use the file in /var/lib/tinydm/default-session.desktop which is symlinked to /usr/share/wayland-sessions/swmo.desktop.

The Exec part is parsed out of the .desktop file and executed.

The Exec line leads us to sxmo_winit.sh...


This file shows how sway is started but I cannot see how lisgd is started. Maybe it is started some other way.


This file seems to start the deamon and contained within is:

1,DRUL,BR,*,sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh bottomrightcorner

...and many other similar lines, lets look at sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh.


sxmo_dmenu.sh isopen || sxmo_appmenu.sh


sxmo_hook_contextmenu.sh "$1"


$icon_zzz Suspend ^ 0 ^ sxmo_hook_screenoff.sh && sxmo_suspend.sh


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