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Sway on Alpine (headless)

Sway on Alpine (headless)

A machine running wayland in headless mode can be useful from time-to-time... for example browsing the internet from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure maybe.

Sway on Alpine VM

Sway on a full VM. Software to install (TODO: check this):

apk add sway swaybg foot mesa-dri-gallium wayvnc

Local bin folder to house the custom start scripts for user, this can be added to .profile:

export PATH=/home/${USER}/.local/bin:${PATH}

To get sway to start in headless mode there are several environment variables to set, putting these in startsway.sh would do the trick:

export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/dev/shm/${USER}/xdg
[ ! -d "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}" ] && mkdir -p "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"
export WLR_BACKENDS=headless
export WLR_RENDERER=pixman

Sway will use /etc/sway/config by default and a local file can be used to override it:

mkdir -p .config/sway
cp /etc/sway/config .config/sway/config

At the bottom of the file, set the desktop size, start wayvnc and a terminal:

output "HEADLESS-1" resolution 1600x960
exec wayvnc --keyboard=gb-basic 5900 &
exec foot &

Logout and login again then running startsway.sh should start a headless sway that can be connected to via VNC:


Of course, using sway from a Windows computer is not so easy as the modifier key is the Windows key by default.

Sway on Alpine Container

TODO: Most of the stuff above will work in a container too...

Using Sway from Linux running Sway

This is the way the world was meant to work:

Configure Passthough in Sway

Using Sway from a Windows VNC Client

TODO: How to use sway from a Windows VNC client.


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